DNS Guide for .fur

.fur DNS Servers

Updating your DNS Settings


Open your Settings, and navigate to Network & Internet
Find and open your “Ethernet” or “Wireless” settings, depending on which you’re using.
Locate IPv4 DNS Servers, and edit them with the above values. You can find our IPv6 ones here.
Apply any changes and close your settings.


Open your System Preferences, and navigate to Network.
Select the active network, usually highlighted in blue, and click Advanced.
Find DNS at the top and press the + to add a server, removing the rest.
Apply and test your settings.


Google the instructions for your specific distro and networking daemon, as these instructions vary vastly.
Generally speaking though, most systems will have an
/etc/resolv.conf file.
Modify the nameserver values in it, save, and test your config.

Test your settings!

You can test your settings by navigating to https://dot.fur/